Legal Videos

Exploring Legal Options - Tips for Grandfamilies
The primary objective of Exploring Legal Options: Tips for Grandfamilies is to inform grandfamilies (e.g., grandparents and kin raising children), professionals, paraprofessionals, and other interested community members about some of the important challenges facing grandparents and kin providers who are just getting started in navigating through tough legal decisions. It is important to know that the laws vary from state to state and this program does not take the place of legal advice. This program aims to present concrete examples and ideas for grandfamilies, including:
- Key Issues
- Words of Wisdom from Grandparents
- Issues to Consider When Selecting Legal Assistance
- Tips for Courtroom Behavior
Additional Tools and Resources
The learning modules are designed to guide discussion about the legal challenges grandfamilies may experience. Included in this program are a glossary of terms, a resource list with contact information and a list of books, fact sheets, and websites. These materials can be used to provide important education to help grandfamilies minimize stress, promote positive working relationships with legal professionals, and possibly save money.
Prepared by
Ann Bruce, state Extension specialist in child development and parenting, Department of Human Development and Family Studies; Kim Bundy-Fazioli, associate professor, School of Social Work; Christine A. Fruhauf, associate professor and coordinator Gerontology Interdisciplinary Minor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies; and Jacque Miller, state Extension specialist for community mobilization and Extension agent, Larimer County Extension.