
Grandparent holding grandchild hand

Exploring Legal Options - Tips for Grandfamilies Learning Lesson

Tips for Courtroom Behavior

Stepping into a courtroom to establish legal rights for a grandchild might be the first time grandfamilies have contact with the legal system. As a result, grandparents might be scared, anxious, and worried about what will happen. This final segment discusses appropriate behavior for grandfamilies in the courtroom. Issues addressing personal appearance, what to wear to court, and the how to communicate with the judge will be discussed in the video and demonstrated in the activities and discussion questions.


  1. Participants will learn what they can do ahead of time to be more comfortable when entering the courtroom.
  2. Participants will learn proper courtroom behavior/etiquette.

Video Viewing

This video highlights the necessary steps to take before entering the courtroom and how to behave appropriately while court is in session. Suggestions are provided by a family lawyer with experience working with grandfamilies.

This video highlights the necessary steps to take before entering the courtroom and how to behave appropriately while court is in session. Suggestions are provided by a family lawyer with experience working with grandfamilies.


Going to court is often a scary and anxiety-provoking experience. However, grandparents can become prepared beforehand. Before entering the courtroom, what do you need to know? How might you conduct yourself during a hearing?

  • Before you enter the courtroom:
    • Go on a field trip to the courhouse. Go to the courtroom beforehand to see how your judge interacts with others in the room.
    • How much time does it take to get to the courthouse? Do you know where to park your car? Does it cost money to park your car? If you will take the bus, do you know the time it will arrive at your stop? Plan extra time. Do you know what room to go to once you enter the courthouse?
    • What is the best way to present yourself while in the courtroom? How might you handle your emotions when speaking to the judge? When is it the best time for a grandparent to talk in court?
    • Have you arranged for childcare during your court hearing?
    • Your appearance is important. You will want to present yourself in the best way possible. Plan what to wear in the court the night before your hearing.
  • What to do during the hearing:
    • Bring important documents with you to court. Talking points will come in handy. Write down what you want to say beforehand. This will help you be prepared for what you want to say.
    • How you communicate in court is essential to your case. Speak with respect to all parties involved in the courtroom (i.e., do not argue, roll your eyes, or talk in a saracastic tone; and turn off your cell phone). It's okay to say "I don't know" or "I don't remember" or "Can you say that again?"

Test Your Learning

Please think about what you've learned and answer these True/False questions.

  1. When entering the courtroom grandparents need to look their best.
  2. It is advised to speak only when spoken to during your court appearance.
  3. Grandparents must bring their grandchildren with them to court.